Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hillary Issues.....Laugh

Just having some fun at Hillarys expense, it is sad to know an immoral ding bat could become president.......but that IS the American way....everyone has a chance. My comments are in red
Learn more about Hillary’s vision for America, and key policies she will fight for as president.
 Like removing all that evil money the middle class amasses and giving it to illegal immigrants and nations that want to destroy us.

As Hillary campaigns across the country, she'll be talking about more issues—stay tuned, and hang on to your wallet.
issues cover
Alzheimer's disease

We can prevent, effectively treat, and make an Alzheimer’s cure possible by 2025.
We would much rather induce a type of Alzheimers that helps prevent the memory of any crimes committed by political candidates, something that will erase any memories of Constitutional rights.....yes if we win in 2016 we will know the formula works.......

Campaign finance reform

Our democracy should work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.
Take Hillary for instance, she is wealthy and well connected and it works for her. Remember though, what works for Hillary will not work for everyone. Who would know what works better for you then Hillary?

Campus sexual assault

It’s not enough to condemn campus sexual assault. We need to stop campus sexual assault.
Uh yeah, pointing out the obvious isn't profound, Hillary has been in politics for a long time and this has been going on for a long time, what prompted her timing? The media.........

Climate change and energy

Making America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.
Impeding America and its energy industry is more the progressive way. Global warming. 
The progressives still hang on to this "threat". Yes nature is a threat. Climate change has been going on as long as the planet has existed, it is cyclical. Al Gore has a cottage industry using fear as the tool. Lets get energy from all sources and be reasonable and safe about it.


The New College Compact: Costs won’t be a barrier, debt won’t hold you back.
Hillary is going to pick your pocket. Yes in order to give free stuff away somebody has to pay, and that would be the middle class who are so rich and well off......

Criminal justice reform

Our criminal justice system is out of balance.
Yes , the police are treated with disrespect and thugs and criminals are supposed to be treated as hero's, with honor and respect. Yeah I would say the justice system is out of whack when racist mayors instigate riots over justice.........

Disability rights

We must continue to expand opportunities for all Americans.
Yes screw the truly disabled and reward those who don't want to work. Some drunken bum gets the same money a blind man gets, sound fair?

Early childhood education

Every child deserves the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.
With all the educational taxes that government has taken over the years, we have actually fallen far behind all other industrialized nations, we have become educationally illiterate by process. Other than demand more money what is Hillary going to do? Every subject is about "more money".


The defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hard-working Americans.
I guess she will either force companies to pay us more that way they can charge us more. Or maybe she can subsidize through government, more taxes will make it fair, you know we will borrow from future generations and make ourselves look good now.....

Gun violence prevention

It is past time we act on gun violence.
 When I talk about progressives and say "hang on to your wallet", how much more so do you think I say hang on to your guns.......progressives will not tolerate anyone or anything challenging their opinion.......they want control, like the Nazis, go after the guns and freedom of speech.

Health care

Affordable health care is a basic human right.
In 2009 I paid $144 a month for medical and dental for a family of 4, when Obamacare was rolled out I paid $644 dollars a month for a family of 3, when the Supreme Court affirmed this obamanation my bill went to $800 a month to which I had to quit paying for health care. I now cover 2 for about $500 a month. Affordable care for who? Not me, I don't count until its time to get more money.

Immigration reform

America needs comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.
Seal the border. Once that is done set up what ever program you want, but seal the border. If our borders are not sealed we cannot be a sovereign nation plain and simple. Close the border. North and south. Hillary will never do that.


Strong infrastructure is critical to a strong economy.
Hang on to your wallet, they already have taxes that are supposed to be covering infrastructure. We will be told its not enough and they need more. Well of course you need more if what we sent the first time round is being used to help illegal immigrants and other nefarious ideals, what are you going to do with the new money?

K–12 education

A world-class education for every child in every community.
Again we are the losers, we spend the most and get the least.....government efficiency....


When unions are strong, America is strong.
Blatant apple polishing of the unions. Why not just drop to your knees and........that is just not true. Small business is what has made this nations economy strong. 

LGBT equality

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans deserve to live their lives free from discrimination.
So do old white dudes, we all have the same rights, get over it......

National security

With policies that keep us strong and safe, America can lead the world in the 21st century.
Not if your going to "sissify" the military. We need a strong military with the best equipment and we need strong leadership. Hillary couldn't keep an embassy safe, you trust her with the nation? 

Paid leave

It’s time to guarantee paid family and medical leave in America.
Hang on to your wallet.......

Racial justice

America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.
Thank you Obama for making things worse. Obama comes from a party of dividers which Hillary is one of.......Hillary will continue the divisiveness, it serves her purpose and the purpose of the Democrat party. Oh by the way, black people were not allowed into the Democrat party until the 1920s, something about racism or something

Rural communities

America’s rural communities are at the heart of what makes this country great. Hillary does not believe that, unless she has some millionaire farmer friends, she is all about Wall Street, don't think she is not. Hillary knows who butters her bread......

Small business

Hillary Clinton will be a small business president. Like Obama was the uniter. Like Obama was the health care reformer. Where does anyone think Hillary is going to raise her revenue for all her nation saving initiatives.

Social Security and Medicare

We must preserve, protect, and strengthen these lifelines. Good luck with that. Those accounts are so over abused by politicians that there is not even a speck of dust  left

Substance use disorder and addiction

Through improved treatment, prevention, and training, we can end this quiet epidemic once and for all. I don't particularly believe in jailing drug users or abusers, I do believe in being tough on stupid, and if you can't conquer and control yourself........well..... think of Sheriff Joe in Arizona

Veterans, the armed forces, and their families
America must fully commit to supporting veterans. Just like committing to keeping State Department employees and officials  safe............

Voting rights

We should be making it easier to vote, not harder. So lets not require voter IDs, lets let illegals to vote, lets give everyone in the world the right to vote in the USA..........

Wall Street and corporate America

Wall Street must work for Main Street. Hillary IS Wall Street, Main street be damned!

Womens rights and opportunity

Women’s issues are family issues, economic issues, and crucial to our future competitiveness. I wonder if she will finally stand up for all the women her husband abused, or maybe that is just not convenient......

Workforce and skills

Every American should be able to learn new skills in order to advance in their careers. I smell my pocket about to be picked, how much "free" stuff is there......

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