Sunday, December 18, 2016

My Tribute To President Obama

 Nearly Doubling The National Debt:  I will admit Obama was handed a serious mess in 2008, but being disinterested in real work he took the path of least resistance. 

BOs words on Bush...
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from 5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents -- number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

....a true progressive )))

and again, BOs own words on the National debt...
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from 5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents -- number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

Unleashing The Genie From The Nuclear Weapons Bottle In his Middle East foreign policy:
We the people elected a an incurious, uneducated historical moron when you look at what he did with Iran,  

      ...and the JV team....

       Making the USA a        laughing stock world wide



                             What about Obama and his racist tendencies

A fine fascist he is, I mean progressive, yes progressive my apologies to any fascists reading this...'s not the quantity, it's the quality and Obama has shown his contempt of the Constitution and the American people.... summary, Obama should at least be stripped of his citizenship and deported....I would suggest something a little more appropriate for sedition....

Good riddance to the worst President in history, when you make a racist like Carter look good you have accomplished something

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Short Reprieve From the Progressive Onslaught

    The election of 2016 was a repudiation of Obama and his Progressivism, the fact that Donald Trump won should be a reprieve from the onslaught of progressivism, the truth is it is just a matter of time before progressives have the vote, they almost did it this time with THE most corrupt political candidate ever. An election is a competition, in a competition there are winners and losers, in the real world the losers don't get a trophy, they go home, period. In a strictly competitive sense I will tell those who voted for Hillary, good game good try but she lost. Period. On the political side all I can say is thank you America for not allowing this pandering murderous indignity into the White House. Of course Obama gave her a resounding thumbs up during her 2016 campaign, unlike the things he stated about her in his 2008 campaign, stark difference, interesting?

  Anyway the e-mails from Wiki-Leaks show Hildog and her cohorts are responsible for the deaths of Americans, not in a peripheral sense, directly, she broadcast all of Ambassador Stevens moves and locations on an unsecured server and denied requests for more security and better security measures by Hillarys State Department. Why she was even in the election is baffling, what is worse is her followers. I wonder if these people have a moral compass in them, to think that our President could have been a corrupt pile of dung like Hillary is scary, to know there are people in this country who are ok with her behavior and activities scares me. I believe Hillarys backers would have voted for her even if video had come out of her personally pulling the trigger on Stevens and his hero helpers. To me this defies reality and defines progressives.
  Progressives don't debate, they shout down, when the shout down doesn't work they make accusations of "racism" , "sexism" and any other ism they can muster up to shut up those spouting the truth. Progressives apparently don't have the truth on their side so they resort to ending the discussion or debate by insult and innuendo, if truth were on their side they could debate. Funny thing is Progressives are just like islam, there can be no questioning, no debating, no dissent, no other opinions, progressives are totalitarians.
  My advice to the "progressives "is find an argument based on truth and maybe you won't have to resort to lies, innuendo, smear campaigns and other immoral tactics. Look at the state of the nation, you progressives have had 8 years, you have produced no real jobs, the economy is still flat on its face, we are a laughing stock around the world, we have imported islam into this country without properly vetting these people, we will be like France, Germany, Belgium.......terror in the malls, our infrastructure has not been addressed, Progressives bailed out the banks instead of the people and then screamed about how corrupt Wall Street is.
   Progressives are the new totalitarians, they will want to argue that I am sure, but they can't argue the past 8 years away, they can't argue Hillarys corruption away, they can't argue away their failure to the nation. At some point progressives will take over this nation, when they do you will witness the next ISIS, they will not tolerate anyone who does not walk lock step with them, they will create laws to legally murder those who don't agree with them or re-educate those unfortunate enough not to see eye to eye with them. They will create laws to take our weapons , then laws to shut us up and laws to incarcerate and murder. I have 0 faith in progressives or their filthy agenda. Progressives trust Iran. They trust Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah order to appear inclusive the elite progressives sacrifice the working class tax paying citizens. We are very fortunate this election went this way, but this is not the end, it is the beginning, now comes the battle.
  Again on the competitive side I feel for your loss, it is never easy to lose. On the health of our nation side we just bought four years of hope, let those who love this country support Donald Trump and do what we can to better this nation. When Obama won in 2008 I heard a lot of "he is not my president" and all I told those people is this" I did not vote for Obama but he is the president, give the man a chance"....unfortunately we did now look at our nation. Thank you Donald Trump, even if you do nothing it will be better than anything Obama and Clinton could have ever done. Lets make the most of this reprieve from the progressive onslaught.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Patriots and Traitors

It Is The Law, Sorry Buraq, Hildog

On June 27, 1952 our government passed a law, a law that is still on the books today. This law would exclude every muslim from this country if it were applied to our immigration, as it is supposed to be. This law was passed, I suspect by what I read, to protect not only the nation, but the economy so we have jobs for everyone here and we don't take on a bunch of perennial welfare recipients. The law was passed so the people here could fully enjoy the pursuit of happiness. Our president and the wannabe first female president either don't know the law or they just don't care, I suspect the latter. I hope you like legalese, it may take you a while to get through, scroll down to Chapter 2 Section 212, I believe it is page 187 where it starts.

Li mortacci tua, ma che cazzo stai facendo!?"

Saturday, September 17, 2016

This IS War

I get tired of blathering the same thing over and over, but the truth must get out. The media, our politicians and even religious leaders would have you believe we are not at war. There is no war on Christianity. We are not in a religious war. This is not an age old war. Etc ad nauseam.
  We ARE at war. This war has been going on since man has existed. It is a war over the soul. For the past 1400 years it has manifested itself as a religious war. The war between Christianity and islam. The initial war was won by islam in its imperial conquests of the middle east, north Africa, and even islams venture into Europe. Eventually good always prevails and at least the Europeans were able to mount armies that were courageous enough to stand and fight armies that outnumbered them every time. The lesson islam has learned is that no muslim army ever wants to stand before an army of Believers, they truly understand who is backing their army and who is backing ours. Lets face it evil is no genius but it is not stupid either, so after getting smacked down by real men islams approach changed the fight. It doesn't look like a war really, but it is. We think of war in conventional fashion, multiple large armies blowing each other up. Islam now takes us out a few at a time, they are waging a guerrilla war and actually doing quite well.

  Having our media and politicians on their side makes the war easy to hide and victims easy to find. So having small groups of roving thugs is now normal in our communities so why not allow small bands of jihadists to roam our land( they already do, there are many militarized muslim camps around the USA) and kill us a few at a time, especially those who can identify the enemy and do.

   If muslims need help they should look to their holy land, saudi arabia, that is where all muslim refugees should be sent, they have money and land. Our leaders wouldn't get wealthy if that happened, saudi arabia is probably paying them to dump refugees on us. Every western nation is being invaded by the enemy, and the enemy is not only getting help from our leaders, but they are winning without the loss of life you would expect in a conventional war. Small groups of jihadists swarm individuals or use stealth tactics to murder groups of people. Yes this is a war, a very serious one, souls are at stake.

   Let me be clear to all who believe in the true Father in Heaven, right now you are either a soldier or you are a victim. Open your eyes to the truth. There are those who don't believe in fighting I respect that, find Brothers and Sisters who are willing and help one another. The Father did not give us good judgement so we could fall prey to evil, he wants us to stand.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Brother Is In The House

So my plan is to close my social media accounts down before October 1, the reason is simple. The USA has been in charge of running the internet since its inception, the US pretty much made it happen. Now the USA is giving up oversight to a private firm, approved of by the UN. For many that may not be a problem, I understand, the truth is that on October 2nd there will probably be no noticeable change in the internet. On the surface all looks just peachy and it will be business as usual. It is possible that nothing will change. I have my doubts. It takes time to turn a ship. My doubts are not based on some knee jerk reaction or some impulse. I see trends and patterns.

  My great grandfather was out harvesting with the family in September 1939 when the air raid sirens went off all over Germany, even in his small town. My grand mother told me what he did, he stood up straight and shouted out in front of all the families out harvesting that this was Germanys demise, he was visibly distraught, WWII had just started. He did not come to this conclusion based on any knee jerk reaction, he watched and read about Hitler and understood the patterns and trends he saw. He called a spade a spade and he was right. He paid a heavy toll for being anti-Nazi.

   This is what I have seen over the past 20 years with the internet. Lots of information, lots of opinions, lots of sharing on the internet. Over the past 12 years there has been a concerted effort by one block of nations to curb freedom of speech. This block of 57 nations has petroleum dollars backing it. This block of nations wants people who criticize their prophet and their god to shut up or die. The internet lends itself to airing out the truth about this satan worshipping death cult. The cult feels that the truth being disseminated hurts their feelings, yet they routinely insult Christians and Jewish people in the most disparaging ways. They murder and torture those who don't believe their ideology. They cannot have the truth out there because they have no way to debate the truth, they only get frustrated and go on murderous sprees to prove they are peaceful. This block of nations has now put money in the right places and into the right hands and now they are about to have great access to the function of the internet. Money talks.

   In Nazi Germany children were used to snitch out their parents if they were not "Nazi " enough, there is one problem with children though, they have feelings and might love their parents. Social media has no feelings and can be used to glean information by the terra byte. Will it be used to track you down and murder you, maybe, more than likely it will be something more like legal liability. You use your social media to make a comment, a truthful comment, today with the US government you still have a bit of freedom of speech as long as you don't incite violence or dangerous behavior. With a new "company" running the internet I suspect the rules will change. Truthful comments will be seen as an affront to the sensibilities of certain groups. They will engage the company who have no statutes on "freedom of speech" and want to bring on an international lawsuit. Our current government would not protect us, they don't believe in freedom of speech, Obama hates everything American. Obama would love to send people to courts in Saudi Arabia and Iran and China and.....

    Social media sites will become the hunting grounds for those who want to shut freedom of speech down. Any remark, true or not will be litigated. The litigation will be brought about by a third party entity( the internet managing company) on behalf of.... This litigation, I suspect, will take place in an "international court" that way the US legal system can be circumvented. You will still be able to say what you want, if you are willing to pay. Maybe you won't die but when they get done destroying your life you may has well be. How could you fight a saudi prince who is willing to lay down $10,000,000 to put you away for telling the truth about islam? If they want you dead, they have the money to find you and then.....

  I am not saying to be fearful. I am saying be smart. During the Revolutionary war the redcoats marched lockstep, even into battle, this made them easy targets for the hit and run tactics used by the Americans. What I am saying is if everyone who stands for freedom of speech and the right to bear arms is on one social media site, how easy will it be for the new gestapo to give you a visit, round you up and be rid of you. Remember Red Dawn? The last three American presidents have their hands in this pie, two dummycrats and one repukigan. The fight is coming to the USA, be prepared, there are many ways to fight tyranny, but you have to be free to fight. My days on social media are numbered, my hatred of satan and his muslim minions will make it happen, if I don't get barred by cowards like Mark Zuckerwhatever first.
  America prepare yourself, the last time the USA and its people were raped by international entities was with the Income Tax Act and the Federal Reserve act, both happened just before WWI, we have been in deep debt ever since, that was 1913. Move forward 103 years and you have a "new currency" being released on September 30th and the internet being wrested away on October 1st. Both are designed to undermine US power and give power to evil, greedy, immoral people. Big Brother is in the house.....for real.