Saturday, November 14, 2015



                                         STAND UP

Our Father in Heaven wants us to stand up. He doesn't require us to kneel or bow or lay ourselves prostate before him. More times than not when one of the Prophets or Apostles fell before him they were instructed to get up or lifted up. The Father wants a relationship based on equality, he wants our friendship. When I read the word Lord in scripture I cringe, I understand its use in context and judge nobody for using the title. The title means master and the Father does not want a "master- servant" relationship, however Ha Satan does.
  Satan is a title as well, Hollywood and uneducated people foster the idea that "satan" is a name, his name is Lucifer. Evil is clever but no genius, hence the continual attempt to counterfeit Our Fathers relationship with us by cloaking religion as relationship. Religion is not relationship, one of the definitions for religion is "to bind", which our Father does not want to do to us, he wants us free. There is an entity that does want to bind us.....the adversary, the accuser, Ha Satan....
  The mystery religions that Lucifer has developed and fostered are all very compelling and lure man to his death. The sad thing about these mystery religions is you are usually in too deep to back out by the time you realize what it really is. Hence the term mystery religion. We know Ha Satan is angry and nothing makes him happier then destroying the Fathers children both physically and spiritually. The spiritual war has been going on since we are going to be facing a physical war to coincide with the spiritual war. When one accepts the mystery religion knowingly it is tantamount to putting a bullet in your head. Right now there are over one billion living dead walking on this planet, these are Satans children. These people will strap bombs to their body to murder others because the others will not worship Satan as they do. They are not worried about dying because they are already dead, thus their loving embrace of death.
There are between 5 and 8 million of the living dead in the USA, they have military type camps all over the nation, two for sure here in California. If concerned citizens complain about these camps( gun fire and bombs going off) they are branded "racist".  One thing always thrown out in front of believers is that there is violence in Scripture, particularly the Old Covenant,  and there is. Joshua( Yahshua) was told to go into the lands and kill everything that breathed, men women, children, animals. What most people don't know is that the people Joshua was told to kill were practicing human blood sacrifice, not unlike strapping a bomb on a person, blowing them up and celebrating in the street over death. These people sacrificed their children. This was unacceptable to our Father.
   It is time to stand up. Charles Martell did in 732, in 1683 the Polish King Jan Sobieski with an army of Polish , German and Austrian soldiers did, We are at a time in history where evil is rearing its head in full view of everyone and nothing is being done to stand up to it. Who has the courage to call evil.....well evil. It is time to stand up.

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