Thursday, June 21, 2018

Divide and Conquer, The Death of Relationship

The world we live in looks much as it did when I was  child. Roads, cars, trains, planes, cities, houses etc. On the surface it all looks the same,  just updated. There are, however, some things missing that used to exist. One example: When I was a young child gas stations were "full service", the service attendant came out checked your oil and cleaned your windshield while he was pumping yours and other gas. I was still very young when we started seeing full service and self service gas stations. If there are any left I don't know but I haven't seen a full service gas station in years. It wasn't too many years ago when there were still people who bagged your groceries at every grocery store, there was no self check out. There was a time in my life where there was no such thing as an ATM machine, you actually had to go and talk to someone. There was a time where people actually got together for lunch to talk to one another, now people sit at the same table and never say a word, no need they have all the intellectual stimulation they need in their phone, no need to talk.
  Thats my point, the world is being designed around us for "convenience". Apparently talking to people, which requires the sharing of information and ideas, is inconvenient. It is much nicer being blissfully ignorant of the "real world". Think about this, and I am not even addressing the internet, you can literally walk out of your home and go through your daily , weekly, monthly routine without ever having to engage one person.You can get money, gas for your car, food and other goods without ever engaging another human being in conversation. The analog world took us as far as that, no more need for relating to others we can get all we need without having to "deal" with other people.
   Move forward to the digital world. Today you don't even have to leave the confines of your home, you can have everything delivered to your door including groceries by simply using a mouse and keyboard with a computer or better yet , your phone. The only need left to separate from relationship is the sexual need. The truth is sex has not always been about relationship even though ideally it should be. Often sex is about curiosity, obsession, addiction, fun....Now in the world of the internet you can have sex with someone you have never met and would never meet again. You can cheat on a spouse or significant other with relative impunity. The digital world has removed commitment from sex and many people are ok with that. So again we are ok with not having to "deal" with people in a relational way, we can treat one another as "whatever". When we treat each other like the things we purchase we can discard them whenever we want without a thought. I mean who thinks about the garbage they throw out other then to get it to the curb on Tuesday morning so the garbage man can pick it up. This is becoming the state of mind of young people, I don't say older people aren't involved, older people are the teachers. If we teach our children destruction what could we expect them to become? If we sit children in front of a computer or game system to keep them occupied while we "do what we want" what is that? What are we teaching? And when the children have learned what we taught and begin to fail at school and in life, we blame and berate the very thing we taught the children to use to occupy their time while we "did our thing". Think about this, in order to have a strong work ethic you must be able to deal with people, you have to understand that each person involved in any endeavor has serious responsibility everyone is important if things are to go well. A person has to understand that they matter, if you destroy the ability in people to relate to others why would they need a work ethic if no one cares. The side effect is that people who really do care are berated and marginalized.
    People that is what is going on now. Young people believe that showing up to work is all they have to do, then its all about the cell phone, no focus, no dedication, no work ethic. There is a belief that there is some fundamental intrinsic right to have your cell phone out at work. The most common "disguise" is I have it out for music. Of course the messages from a variety of messaging services happen to pop in so I have to look, then respond, but thats my right, right. If you offend them by expecting them to do what they are being asked you could get sued for offending them.
  If a person were spiritual it would be difficult to relate to this world because our society has no soul. I don't mean any particular nation or continent, I mean the entire world is headed down this very path of being without a soul. Our Father in Heaven wants one thing from us, a relationship. How are people going to have a relationship with the Father if are we taught away from relationship by society? If we are taught that being selfish and self centered is ok and have all of our needs met why would anyone try to learn to have a relationship, at any level. There are people who really are "people persons" and even they can be trained away from that if society says that is how it should be.
   If you have read Scripture and believe , then what I am pointing out is really no surprise. Believers understand who is in charge here, the prince of the Earth. Things look the way they do, are going the way they are going by design. If this were a train we would be right on schedule. I recommend to everyone build lasting relationships, meaningful, vibrant, trusting , loving and true. There is a time coming that will make the Holocaust look desirable. When that time comes you will need to have the profound relationship with the Father, the Son and the Set Apart Spirit to save your soul.