Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Confederate Flag

 So the Democrat party and its acolytes want to destroy the "rebel" flag and any sight, sound or memory of the Civil War. I wonder why that would be. Maybe they are afraid that someone might read a history book and realize that it was the Confederate flag that represented the Democrat party for several years during the Civil War. The Democrats were the plantation owners. Maybe all of this is just very inconvenient so they want it to go away, any symbol, any sight and any memory must be destroyed. This plan has been in the works for a while.
    The Confederate flag is problematic for the Democrats because they know that symbol ties them to slavery, it ties them to the KKK and Jim Crow laws, it ties them to the very intolerance they claim to loathe. The Confederate flag exposes them for who they were and who they are, they want slavery back just this time it won't be racially based.  The Democrats cannot have any memory of their legacy get out publicly anymore.
   The education system along with the media have created a public that only believes what educators and the media say. The education system is beholden to politicians. The education system no longer teaches our youth about their rights as citizens, the education system has been stocked with, in my opinion, socialists if not worse.  The education system and the media all support the Democrat party. Why not support them? The Republican party is merely the gutless strawman to be stood up and knocked down by the Democrats. The people believe what they see and hear in the media. How else could you have fascists running around destroying, bullying and beating people calling themselves "anti-fascists"? Who could be stupid enough to believe that? Uneducated people.
    To conquer a population you must take their weapons, limit their speech, control the media and communication, control any literature, erase the peoples history both good and bad and rewrite it. Remove and destroy any symbols of the past, good or bad. Indoctrinate the youth, limit their education to what you want them to know. Divide the nation along the most egregious lines, race, thank you Buraq Obama. The Democrats will soon be in charge and then you will see their true colors, to the nation and its peoples detriment. 
   I have no problem with symbols, past or present. I realize they represent something, they may not particularly represent me or what I believe. Some symbols change their meaning over time, some don't. The nazi symbol will forever represent evil, the sickle and hammer will forever represent evil, the crescent, sword and star will forever represent evil, they represent racism and supremacism, death and destruction, enslavement. There are people alive today who survived oppression, torture and worse under these symbols.  My feelings wouldn't be hurt if they vanished from history forever.
    The Confederate flag represents a rebellion. It represents an attempt at secession and an ensuing war, a war predominately fought over slavery. The Democrat South lost, slavery against the black man and woman was ended. I can understand if someone might be offended by the Confederate flag, but not one person alive today has had to endure slavery under that flag. More disturbing is the fact that for whatever reason all of a sudden the Democrat party sees this overwhelming need to rid themselves of this symbol, so now they stir up and foment anger from their own feigned anger over the flags meaning( I am also disturbed by the destruction of statues of our nations history, good or bad). 170 years removed the flag has just now become a problem for the Democrat party. They are rebranding and have been for a while. It takes time.
     Now there is a modern take on the Confederate flag, supporters today say it is a symbol of heritage. It represents a time when the South felt distinctly sovereign. I understand that some find the flag endearing for it's representing the Souths tradition. I will admit symbols can morph and change over time. The history of symbols never changes. There in lies the Democrats need to remove that flag from history, I call it removal of evidence. History repeats itself, be prepared. I will leave you with two pictures to ponder. Which one of these really offends them?

                                        Flag of the Confederate States of America  

                                                      The Confederate Battle Flag

Friday, March 15, 2019

Donald Trump and The Self Serving Industry

   I voted for Donald Trump for two reasons. The first reason based more on hope that a man keep his word, Trump stated "Make America Great Again". I felt if Trump did 10% of what he said he would do my vote will have been worth it. The second reason was he is a businessman, not a politician, hard fact. I don't say businessman as a compliment really, the business world is a cold cruel place where people literally get ruined or die if they don't learn how to be clever, nasty and cold. My best analogy of what business is was graffiti written on the State Theatre in my home town, translated it stated " for the life of wealth and riches I will walk over bodies in ditches". That is quite an indictment of the business world, but it is real and true. Success and wealth are the only things that matter.
    When I cast my vote for Trump I knew he was a businessman, a man with courage and testosterone, probably chocked full of toxic masculinity and I still chose to vote for him. This nation needed leadership from someone other than a politician, leadership from a man not a metrosexual. 
 Thats where it all went wrong. Politics, whether state or federal, is now an industry. The politicians no longer hear or fear their boss, the people. The politicians do fear a businessman who recognizes a money scheme. In the guise of representation they have us send money to conduct the nations business but instead of conducting the nations business they enrich themselves with our money. Someone would have to come up with a really good story to help me understand why all of these people who are career politicians, start with little or moderate wealth become multi multi millionaires in 4-8 years. How is it that their family members get lucrative contracts, government and international? Trump recognizes and knows and that is bad for the industry.
     I voted for a businessman who said he was a businessman. He pulled no punches. Unlike the pigs at the trough in Washington. The pigs, politicians, say they represent their constituencies but again I ask anyone to find a representative who actually represents you, they can't. Donald Trump doesn't represent me per se, how could he, I am not a billionaire, but he does represent the ideals of the nation unlike previous presidents. Donald Trump didn't say he was going to give anything away for free, he understands that nothing is really free. Trump said he would change the business landscape for our nation both at home and internationally. These are all bad things for the self serving industry, you can't have some rich guy come in and expose the great money scheme, a money grab of epic proportions at the peoples expense while he fixes all the crap that they have done.
   Now the politicians are being exposed for the rotting corpses that they really are. What could be worse? These rotting corpses have "fans" who vote for them, they vote down party lines like drooling starry eyed nazis. Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter they are the living dead and they have their zombie followers who take everything these turds say as gospel. This is how they are keeping the money scheme going, divide, polarize and conquer. Look at the voter landscape, look at the posts people post, a landscape based on emotion not unlike the emotion of a football game. Inaccurate historical statements, historical ignorance on an epic scale all propagated by politicians for politicians. I am absolutely stunned that the populace has fallen for this hook line and sinker, I mean I see and know how its done, use the education system and the media and you have 95% of people in your snare. The saddest thing is the people don't even know they are in a snare and that is the whole point of the self serving industry, use of stealth to amass wealth. Its not Trump, its the septic tank full of rotting corpses known as Washington DC.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

New Slavery, Old Slavers

  I am writing this because I am tired of watching wanton blindness, willful idiocy and just downright ignorance of history. How on Gods' green Earth did the Democrat party become the party of the people and in particular the party for the people of color. Democrats were the United States original slavers. I am going to take this to the extreme in order to wake people up, and really on the surface what I am going to describe may seem extreme but given some thought it is more than plausible. It appears so many people have become polarized by politics that in appearance there is no hope. My standard expression about politics and politicians is that they have developed a self serving industry, we send them money, they become wealthy while they mismanage our money, then they demand more money. I bet you think you live paycheck to paycheck because of your inability to understand the rudiments of math. That would be only partially true, look at the taxes you pay( not just the obvious ones). Let me get started with some history and where it has led us.

 The Democrat party has its' roots all the way to the beginning of the nation( 1792), the party started as the "Jeffersonian Republicans", they chose the name Republican because they wanted to show their contempt of monarchies. They did believe in a decentralized government, for a minute. The Federalist party called them the "Democratic-Republican" party as a dig, apparently the Democrat party was already confused back then and that is why Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists coined the name "Democratic-Republicans". When John Adams, a Federalist, was elected President, the Jeffersonian Republicans were so upset they actually took on the name Democratic-Republicans for a few decades.
    Anyway, we all know that Jefferson and the other founding fathers had slaves. Many of them were very wealthy because of the institution of slavery, many were very committed to keeping slavery going, and they did. Move forward in time, the 1850s, a movement of very courageous, ethical and moral people decided to take on slavery head on. By this time the Democrat party had lost the "Republican " portion of its title. The anti-slavery movement took the name "Republican". The Republican party was formed for one reason, to end slavery.  Yes it was Republicans who stood up to the Democrat party against slavery. We all know that ultimately there was a civil war, Democrats fighting for slavery, Republicans against slavery. This was more than just a war. The Democrat south lost. The wounds have never healed.

    We all know or have known sore losers. The Democrats were and are sore losers. They were so upset over losing the Civil War that they started a terrorist group to lynch the object of their ire, black people and any white who supported them. The KKK, one of the USAs first terrorist groups. The KKK terrorized the nation into the 20th century and actually almost became legitimate. Seeing that the nation was not sympathetic to their cause these Democrat/KKK politicians thought well into the future as whiners who are seeking revenge tend to do. The  Democrat/KKK politicians voted for and put Jim Crow laws in place restricting what black people could do: "sit at the back of the bus", "use the side entrance", "whites only", "no blacks allowed" etc. The Democrat party fought to keep black people out of their party into the 1920s. Every attempt to to garner revenge for the Democrat/KKK/Confederacy loss was challenged and put down by the people of the USA. The Democrats finally figured out that they could not win this in a face to face battle, they needed a new image and a new tact.

 Between the 1920s and 1950s the Democrats sought answers,  Communism/Socialism were relatively new even in concept. Can you guess where the Democrats sought answers? Everybody thought McCarthy was crazy calling out communists in Washington and Hollywood, he was wrong about one thing. The Democrat party was not "infiltrated" by communists, the Democrats sought them out. You know the old  phrase  "It takes one to know one,"  well those old Democrats knew what they were looking at when they spotted Communism/Socialism, they salivated for the "good ole' days". A system where the elite tell the rest that all forms of luxury and ease of life are evil, whether earned or not, and it is not based on racial hatred, great cover . So in their goodness and caring for all the rest of the people, the masters take everything. The Masters/Democrats/Communists/KKK/Confederacy take all the evil luxuries and all the evil free time, anything a poor uneducated deplorable might have, in order to "free' the poor deplorables, "help" the poor deplorables. Of course the elite keep all the luxuries for themselves, all they have is free time to develop ways to keep their slaves occupied enough not to see that they are slaves. Let them have jobs, we will tax them in a way that forces them to live paycheck to paycheck. The system will allow for some to succeed so that the rest will aspire to attain, the slaves will work hard and the masters tax them heavily for everything.

     In the 1960s our government began getting cozy with Saudi Arabia and other oil producers in the Middle East and Africa, mostly muslim nations. The United States had in its' infancy had dealings with the "Pirates of the Barbary coast" who were muslims from Tunisia. In 1800 Thomas Jefferson would find out through reading the quran and inviting the ambassador of Tunis to Washington that islam had institutionalized slavery. In the 1960s slavery was still heavily practiced in oil producing muslim nations. The Democrats saw this and again recognized another tool in their evil belt. Now the Democrats could intertwine their slavery philosophy with that of communism, socialism and islamism making it sound "universal" and good.

Master+Communist+Socialist+KKK+Islam+ Antifa =Democrat, I hope every person who reads this realizes it is not about Democrat versus Republican. Sadly the modern Republican party couldn't get any more cowardly, unlike their founders. So you have gutless cowards (Repukigans) and pure unadulterated evil( Dumocrats)
  The Democrat party is the oldest party in the USA. The Democrat party has never given up its roots in slavery. They have changed their tact. Let blacks become Democrats. Then Democrats can (and do)target people of color using lies and the media to sway them. Democrats pick up quips and sayings to make themselves out to be the party of the people. Somewhere in hell the old Democrats are laughing their asses off over their ultimate victory over the Union. Their ultimate goal was to enslave the black man and woman but why stop there when you could use your new kinder, gentler tact to enslave the entire population of the Americas, why stop with the USA, no borders anyone. I marvel and am continuously amazed and amused at the willful stupidity of people who would support this whole heartedly, maybe they think their is something in it for them.

   It won't be long before the Democrats have full and total control over the USA. That will be a sad day indeed. Watch Kalifornia, it is about to become the first communist state in the Union. The leaders ( this state is politically dominated by democrats) in the former "Golden State" are the prototypical communist, oh they love freedom, their own. For their freedom you will toil. Their only solution to everything is send us money, the masters can't allow us to have too much. Watch Kalifornia, it is the canary in the coal mine.
   One more item on my rant, everyone be forewarned. The Democrat party will not stop and eventually will take your guns. You cannot enslave people who are armed and can defend themselves, this is old hat, plantation owners( Democrats) didn't let their slaves have weapons. Oh and if your waiting for the good guys, the Republicans, don't hold your breath they have become cowards, they will not fight for the people. The moment they vote to take our guns you will have a decision to make,  questions to ask yourself; Do I live my life as a free person or do I allow my freedom to be taken from me? Do I allow evil people to win or do I fight? Do I just pretend nothing bad will happen? Let me hit you where you will feel it, the Democrats and Republicans already take our money which is meant to maintain our infrastructure and sovereignty. We voluntarily send money to them under the name taxes, we send them money. When they have your guns they won't wait for you to send the money.....its about power, right now we the people still have the great equalizer, guns.....once we lose our slavery same old slavers.