It is hard to want to leave a state as beautiful as California, with the perfect weather, but the thought is becoming more and more appealing. Why would I want to fund the KaliNazi agenda? Why would I want to support politicians so lofty( as in Amadeus) they shit marble, like gods? Politicians who have no respect for the people who put them in office. Politicians so selfish and far removed from reality that they can justify stealing childrens' future in order to "appear tolerant and better then the rest". Politicians who reward people for purposely not becoming citizens. Politicians who steal from and punish the people who work and pay for everything.
Now Kalifornia must begin looking for revenue to cover the forecast loss of funding from the Federal government, tax and fee time. Oh it will be for the roads( general fund) and infrastructure( general fund) and to help the people ( general fund illegal criminals). Our law enforcement will become revenue collectors in the guise of enforcing the law, which means a crime increase. Our teachers will have to have more bake sales and help from parents to cover needs in the classroom, tax payers who fall through the cracks can expect nothing, theirs will go to illegals. Jerry Brown and the Kalifornia politicians are a criminal gang who should be prosecuted, not rewarded. Sadly there are people who actually support this nonsense out of political affiliation. They believe in the kindness the state is showing illegal criminals while at the same time they berate the very people paying and asking questions, as though we don't deserve proper explanation for the use of our money. I am 100% correct when I call the liberal progressives by the title totalitarians. In my opinion they deserve a one way ride to the 200 mile marker.