Saturday, March 25, 2017

The New Nazis

    It is funny explaining how I think and feel about the world I live in. When I was young I was overly tolerant, it had a lot to do with my upbringing. As I grew up I realized much of what I had been taught was done to make sure I err on the side of good, safety. I have found out on my own that the world is far from being a safe place, that does not mean I bow to fear. There is no reason to fear when you belong to the Father and if you have accepted his Son as your Savior in the end you will be fine. 

   Explaining to others that I am an “independent” voter immediately brings them to the conclusion that I am somehow hiding my “true affiliation” to one or another political parties or philosophies. I am always clear that I do not have tolerance for politicians, regardless of their party. I vote based on the facts in front of me, not some imaginary philosophical psycho-babble run together to make me believe that any politician is going to change things profoundly. 

   I also vote based on history, yes history. The very subject humans seem to fail in, usually in spectacular fashion. The old expression ”those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it” is so, so true. 

   The history I have studied tells me islam has been an imperialistic, subjugating, sexist , racist, murdering, marauding society based on the ideology created by at best a very selfish human being. Yes they have a deity that they worship. Had hitler decided to name Woden his national god and told everyone Woden gave him directions on what to do, when to do it how to do it etc. hitler would have been a prophet as well. He would have created a “religion” just like muhammed did. So why is anyone in the West desiring to help this evil hoard? Why do idiots rule nations? How can anyone, based on known history, willingly want to invite this evil into their land?
  It is because the “left” hates God and His believers as much, if not more than, muslims do. The left believes they can tame the beast, islam, and mesh the two hatreds together, stupid heaped upon stupid.The enemy of my enemy.....

   Yes the world has become a smaller place, peoples don’t change over night and as well fed as a man-eating shark is I am still not going to jump into and share a pool with it. The left will however, in order to prove that they are more tolerant than Believers, will allow their own death and the deaths of everyone else. The point behind suicide is?  And to be clear, The Father does not necessarily teach tolerance, the book of Joshua proves his intolerance of human blood sacrifice.
   More simple history that should concern everyone. How on Earth did the democrat party become the party of minorities when its members were the first and most prominent persecutors and slave owners of......The democrat party created Jim Crowe laws, the democrat party started the KKK, the democrat party fought for slavery, segregation and disenfranchisement. Abraham Lincoln was a republican for crying out loud. 

  People forget history so guess where we are headed. Maybe some are “nostalgic” for the “good ole’ days” but I can assure you it won’t be so quaint. When the progressive new nazis take over those who don’t adhere to their evil will get to live out a new Holocaust. If you believe in God the progressive new nazis will have you in their cross hairs. The liberal new nazis will make the first Holocaust look like walk in the park.
   Here is a good one. The constant drone of Free Palestine from the Israeli occupation. The truth is Arabs claiming to be Philistines are occupying Israel and Israeli territory. Now that is a spin. Truth is inconvenient for the left, just as it was for hitler, just as it is for islam.

  I am not particularly against liberals or liberal ideals, socially I am quite liberal. Do as you please and don’t be a bad neighbor, don’t be a nuisance, don’t attempt to impose yourself on others, worship as you please as long as it does not involve or encourage, allow and excuse violence and evil. Alas it will never be. Human nature and the human condition dictate. Pride, greed, avarice, sloth, ignorance, self righteousness with no introspection are all the things people seem to be focused on. Selfish and insecure. So the left and islam will eventually succeed in destroying freedom. It is inevitable. They are winning in Europe now, they are here on US soil.
  Am I surprised the world is headed this way. Nope, fully expecting whats coming. What is painful is seeing people buy into politics to the degree that they don't see what is being done to them. The people fully trust the wrong people, the media, the clergy and politicians. Once the entire population buys into the new ideology, that ideology will change into something different. It will look a lot like nazi Germany with better technology, weapons and control. Extermination will be very efficient. The people who will be leading society will make deviants look normal and be accepting of all and every evil. If you even flinch at their ideas and ideals you will be eliminated, it will be a police state led by the new nazis.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Conditioning the People Part 1

  I enjoy hearing and debating different opinions. Right now Facebook has become a political forum, it is unbelievable how many political posts I see. Most of these posts are just to get an emotional response from people on the "other side". I am going to address two posts directly to show they are posted not for information but for emotional mudslinging, I don't believe any of the posts are done to be malicious, just as retaliation for non agreement of the issue. I believe this is actually normal behavior when considering the "human condition". Let me be clear, in my opinion all politicians are corrupt, politicians have divided the populace very successfully using lies and innuendo. Perfectly normal behavior for politicians. Let me be clear, I dislike ALL politicians because they all lie.
   So lets start with the first post:

  Bernie Sanders is a lifelong politician. He has never held a private sector job. He has lived on what I call luxury welfare. Does this mean he cannot relate to the common American worker? No, I am sure Bernie gets up every day to go to work just like the rest of us. Beyond that I would have to think he is like any other politician who believes his position in life and the world makes him deserving of "better things" then the rest of the "commoners". For any politician to rip open their mouths about other peoples taxes is offensive, they are the ones levying the taxes and exempting themselves just like they did with Obamacare. Bernie Sanders opened his mouth and got caught being hypocritical, big deal he is a politician. A very good politician. Should he be singled out like this? Maybe, maybe not but Bernie put himself in a position for people to scrutinize him and unfortunately for Bernie he got "screwtinized".

So here is a good post. One side is blaming the other side for loss of protection and freedom. Specifically Donald Trump is being blamed for the loss of all of these subjects. Interestingly Trump is being blamed for all of these bad things because the "beauty is in the eye of the poster". I am going to break down each claim to show how inane this post really is:

    Healthcare: Obama ruined health care, he was lazy and incurious. The only thing he did was rehash Hillary Clintons 1990s version of health care, it required no work, no curiosity and he was rewarded with a "legacy". In 2008 I paid $144 dollars a month for health care for a family of four, last year I spent $600 a month for two. Who gave anyone the right to levy me with expensive healthcare so illegal immigrants could have healthcare and politicians could have better care than my family, how is it right to do this to the people. Ruin the job market, give Wall street relief and saddle the people with outrageous bills to pay for it all. Healthcare was not ruined by Trump, it has been ruined by greedy pharmaceutical companies colluding with greedy politicians. Period.
     The EPA was established to protect the environment. Have they ever done that? Or have they just been a tool in the politicians pocket to be pulled out during election times. Politicians wield this department and ruin industries. If you have a problem with coal as a source of energy, unplug your house, sell your car and all of your electronics or you can just shut up. Technology has made coal much cleaner as a source of energy and almost everyone who reads this has been a beneficiary. The EPA singles out industries based on what politicians are trying to accomplish for themselves not what is good and right for the people. Politicians will lie about entire industries to accomplish this.

   Public education: Now there is a joke of epic proportions. We don't educate our youth, we use schools to warehouse them. Most teachers are indifferent and hold to indoctrination as an alternative to education. It is difficult to alter certain forms of learning like math. Every other subject can be manipulated to serve as a means to indoctrinate. Proper english is no longer taught judging by the lack of communication skills exhibited by our youth, science is incomplete and fallible yet still used to "prove and convince"  about the talking points needed by politicians, social studies and history are distorted and used to lie to our children who "trust" teachers, how sad. The education system has been a joke for a long long time. Trump had nothing to do with it, politically correct politicians did.

Wall street regulations: Really? Politicians from both sides are responsible for this joke. If politicians actually gave a flying rats rear about the people and really believed in "right and wrong" they would have used the "bailout" money by giving it to the people with directions to pay off their mortgages or any other debt they had, the banks would have gotten the money, the people would have been in a strong position. The only ones who got bailed out were the rich bankers and investors, thank politicians.

The press: Again, REALLY? The press is bought and paid for. The press has been in the pocket of the liberal progressive totalitarians for a long time. They cherry pick the news in order to "guide" hearts and minds. Sick and twisted. Trump didn't do this, good politicians with a lot of taxpayer money did.

Democracy: How funny. After 8 years of obvious socialistic tendencies by our then president, to say that Trump is going to take away democracy requires a leap of epic proportions. Democracy has been eroding for a long time, Obama was the first president the wealthy, manipulating financial monsters could actually use to wield at the people, he was the first president to actually fit seamlessly into their tool box, he was lazy and incurious and hated the USA. Obama tried to destroy democracy, he was dumb and oblivious enough to not recognize it was already broken and all he did was pile on. Again it was not Trump.

It takes a long time to really ruin something permanently, we have had politicians working on ruining our freedom for a long time. Not one politician is really responsible, it has taken many from both sides over a long period of time to accomplish this. Presidents either stand in the way or go with the flow. Sadly we have had quite a few go with the flow. Wake up people the politicians are winning, they are stealing freedom and making us pay for it. Divide and conquer and they have.