Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recipe For Disaster in 1 Hour

So here are the directions for creating a wonderful disaster in your nation.

1) Add 3 cups of "ability to abuse the truth"
2) Add 2 tablespoons of "denial", be careful not too much, very potent
3) Add 1 pound of "desire to look better than others"
4) Add 2 tablespoons each , greed , avarice, lust for power, sloth,
5) Add 1 cup of "lack of curiosity", this recipe does not require "due diligence" to hold the mix together

   Take the first five ingredients and mix with blender on high for 2 minutes, once the mix has an even brown appearance and smells like the bog of eternal stench you have your "politically correct" sauce.

 Now we add the disaster, typically in the past the disasters chosen were one ingredient, but the "cooks of the world" now seem to enjoy multiple disaster recipes. I will give the recipe for my favorite disaster.

1) I always add a large number of politicians lining the bottom of the pan with them, pour a layer of "political correctness" over them so they can absorb the sauce. The number of politicians depends on the size of your pan.
2) I like to add teachers and University professors here the number again dictated by the size of the pan, add more of the "politically correct" sauce, you may have to add more sauce on this layer, professors and teachers absorb the sauce really well.
3) To ensure a thoroughly wonderful disaster I add lying , twisted clergy here, 1 layer the size of the pan. No sauce yet.
4) To complete the disaster add 1 cup of "our fractional knowledge", if you don't have that a half cup of "science " is a good substitute

 Now add the "politically correct"sauce to the layers of "clergy" and "our fractional knowledge"
Now pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees and we will prepare the topping. The topping is what makes the dish worth the time)))

1) Add 1 teaspoon each racism and false racism
2) Add 1 teaspoon cowardice
3) Add 1 teaspoon false education
4) Add 1 teaspoon indoctrination
5) Add 1 teaspoon false religion( I use islam it is the greatest for disasters)
6) Add 1 teaspoon entitlement
7) Add 1 teaspoon capitulation
8) Add 1 teaspoon no moral compass
9) Add 1 teaspoon self righteousness
Mix these ingredients together using a hand whip, whip until smooth and creamy, then pour onto the main ingredients in the pan.

Sprinkle with hatred, blind ignorance, wanton stupidity then put the pan in the oven for 60 minutes. You will know when your disaster is about done by the stench emitting from your oven, don't worry that is normal and your disaster will be thorough. After 60 minutes pull your disaster out of oven and slice into circles, serve with strong liquor and potent drugs and you will be the talk of the neighborhood. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Prayers For the President?

  I get it, pray for the President so he has success. Not a bad thing on the surface. It can be a problem though if people waste their time praying for leaders and not participating in a relationship with the Father. We have to have faith in the Father not our leaders. Israel got in trouble in the Old Covenant when the people got jealous of other nations for having a king, they did not realize or accept the fact that they already had the ultimate leader. They wanted to be like everyone else not seeing that they had been set apart for a reason. Sadly Gods chosen people are not unique when it comes to human nature and the human condition, we are all weak.

  The lesson, when you read the history of Israels leaders during the time of the Prophets, is that leaders are human, fallible. There were very good leaders and very evil leaders, a mix which is a direct reflection of humanity. Yahweh wants us to trust him, but because we are obstinate, unfaithful and untrusting children he has time and time again shown his love for us by conceding to our childish demands. He allowed the children of Israel to choose a leader.
  When I read post after post on social media about "we need to pray for our President" I cringe, pray for yourselves, pray for God. People absolutely do not read Scripture and if they do they are not understanding what they are reading. Look, I am glad Trump was elected but that could change. In my opinion he will probably be the last President who is not a liberal progressive totalitarian. There are too many people who want everything without having to work for it and right now that is what these political piles of feces are offering. It is very obvious that I feel politicians are barely a notch above hollywood, they are trash.

   When the politicians who are offering everything for nothing get to lead this land in a more permanent fashion all that free stuff will change. The upper echelon will be entitled to all the free stuff. The middle class will be destroyed because you cannot have a slave caste if there is an honest hard working middle class in this day and age. Those societies that cling to caste systems have either imploded or are in the process of imploding. The liberal progressive totalitarians will use the police and military to subjugate the people, enslave them, abuse them so they can live a lavish liberal progressive lifestyle. The only people that will need real pay are the upper class and law enforcement. The new slave caste will live a lot like the Jewish Holocaust victims had to live in nazi death camps, only that will be the "societal norm". Most people reading this will find it hard to believe, this is some lunatic fantasy, I accept. If I can reach just one person with the truth though, I have doubled His treasure. The truth is the time is short. People think things, events and people of significance "telegraph" their arrival. Take an objective look at the events of say the last 100 years. Look at the advances humanity has made in that time relative to the previous 2000 years. There is a serious logarithmic change. It is a timing thing. Everything has a reason and a purpose. The Fathers schedule is perfect, his process is on schedule.

   Prayers for the President. Fair enough. Remember when things really turn bad those leaders we pray for can do nothing for us, they are flesh and blood like you and I. When things are out of control they will be doing the same thing the rest of us are doing, trying to survive, The elite just get a first class ride to the end, they are guaranteed nothing more than you or I. We would all do well to pray to the Father for our souls and the lives of those who are in our immediate circle, then those outside our circle, then think about praying for leaders. There are people and groups of people who are into "social engineering", the Bilderberger Society, the wealthy and elite class of the planet believe they set world policy. They are as much in control of things as you or I.  I have nothing against praying for the President. Praying is a good thing. Praying for others is also a good thing.  Prayers are worship. Worshipping leaders is, in my opinion based on my understanding of what I read,  not good and it is not something our Father has a great appreciation for. Be careful with your prayers. Be careful what you ask for.

   What I read and how I understand it tells me that things will change very, very quickly and profoundly. Prayers for the President? Keep focused on the reality coming......

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lucky Sports Fan

    I have been a sports fan for a good portion of my life. As in life with God, family, friends and country I am fiercely loyal to my favorite teams. My teams don't change much unless something profound happens.

  As a young man I was a Baltimore Bullets/Washington Bullets fan. I was lucky enough to get to see the Washington Bullets make it to the finals two years in a row, winning once. The Bullets were led by "Big E" Elvin Hayes, Phil Chenier and Wes Unseld. Obviously they were not as great a dynasty as the Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers, but I was lucky enough to get to see them win it all once. When they changed their name they lost my loyalty, I became a Sacramento Kings fan, go Kings!!

  I was not much of a baseball fan as a young man, I did not get into baseball until I moved to California, I became an Oakland A's fan because some of my neighbors on Travis AFB were A's fans and watched the games, so I joined and got hooked. I chose on a National league team later based on some friends in Fairfield who watched Dodgers games, so I like the A's and the Dodgers.

I have been fortunate enough to see the A's win multiple times. For a small market team they are very competitive every year and fun to watch. What do you expect from a $150,000,000 budget?

  Anyone who knows me knows I have been a die hard Redskins fan for ever, since 1969 when Vince Lombardi coached them. They really got exciting when Coach George Allen took over, he was a character. Allen was really the one who made the Dallas/Washington rivalry a big thing, I lived in Temple Hills Maryland just outside of Washington DC at the time so was thoroughly exposed to Redskins fever. My music teacher at J Frank Dent elementary school taught the entire school "Hail to the Redskins"!! My heart was broken in Superbowl VII I must admit(( I was fortunate enough to get to see Joe Gibbs lead them to 3 Superbowls wins, in spectacular fashion. My favorite to watch is XXII where Doug Williams leads the Redskins to the greatest post season quarter ever. 35 points, 357 offensive yards, all in less then 18 plays, that was the game. That was when football was still a team sport, free agency ended the pure sport of football teams, real teams.

  I am an American citizen now, I would lay my life down for the USA. I was born in Germany, even if they offered me a lavish life I would not lay down my life for that nation now. However, when it comes to Soccer I am still very very German. I was fortunate enough to live in Germany in 1974 when they hosted and won the World Cup tournament, of course back then all of the players had German names. Anyway, the Germans beat the heavily favored Netherlands led by Johann Kruyff, boy howdy the nation went wild and I was there to witness it))) Of course Germansoccer is nothing like Brazilian soccer which I must admit is really spectacular when they are on their game. As a kid and growing up I would get very upset when someone who was not from Brazil said they were a Brazil fan, I thought you had to be loyal to your country. I still do. I want the USA to win, this is the greatest nation on Earth, why shouldn't we field the greatest soccer side every tournament. Back to Brazil, I now have witnessed Germany win 3 tournaments in my lifetime, one in Germany, but for me the greatest day of soccer was July 8th 2014. I could care less about anything that happens now in the World Cup now, I was fortunate enough to witness Germany boot Brazil out of the Brazil!!!!))) The Germans not only won, they destroyed the Brazilian side 7-1, the first 5 goals in the first 30 minutes, 4 in a 9 minute span. It was like watching the Redskins blow up Denver.

  In summary as a fan I have been lucky enough to witness something many people still have not witnessed as sports fans. I have been able to see my favorite teams win it all, more than once. Yes my football team is not 5-0 in Superbowls, no my team does not have 5 World Cup wins only 4, yes I have seen my baseball teams lose the World Series, I am still waiting and hoping on the Kings.
   Really I love all my teams just like everyone who enjoys sports. You tube and the internet are wonderful, we can relive those wonderful moments again whenever we want. I guess I am just a lucky sports fan)))

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Upside Down Flag...Dam

  I have been seeing people fly the upside down flag recently, they are protesting the election results. The upside down flag is a distress signal. I know we are a nation in distress, but the people flying the flag in this way are not seeing what I am seeing. They are flying the flag in distress for an entirely different reason than I am, Donald Trump will do well and he is not the problem.

   Since the election the people who voted for Hillary have been unable to grasp the fact that she lost, period. Yes the system for voting, in particular the electoral college, needs to be looked at.  So now I have done my part in acknowledging the voting system has some issues, nevertheless Trump won under the established system. My ire is with these people who refuse to look and see the reality of their behavior. The whiners seem to think they are accomplishing something. They ARE  accomplishing something, they are making themselves and their cause look very pathetic, feeble, weak, unable to withstand debate and scrutiny.
   The funny thing about these people is that they scream and shout about tolerance, then they show no tolerance themselves. Instead of a strong, intellectual thoughtful and measured approach to the problem as "the opposition", they act like children throwing a fit. The whiners can only tolerate those who think exactly like themselves. The whiners remind me of islam or the Inquisition. When the whiners take over, this country will see what the Inquisition was like, we will experience nazi America, we will live Stalinist America where descent will be answered with bullets and bombs.
    I do not tolerate everything, I am up front about that. I do not have any tolerance for islam or it's adherents, I understand islams directives, statutes and history. I have no tolerance for evil. I have very little tolerance for politicians. Seeing my fellow Americans so misled and confused by politicians is horrifying. Until the American people can look at an election in an objective manner this country and our people will suffer. We the People need to understand what government is there for, we the People don't seem to understand. In a free society We Are The Government.
  Government exists for several specific reasons. To provide an infrastructure for business to be conducted successfully. To provide military strength to keep the nation safe and sovereign. To provide a means for diplomatic contact with other nations. To provide representation to the People in all arenas. There are people who believe government should do more then that, they are wrong, my opinion. Government should establish a sociopolitical climate that affords everyone an opportunity to make a living, government should not provide a living, my opinion. I can tolerate others opinion and engage them on it. Right now my community is living out the reality of governance gone very wrong. Not my opinion, sad fact.

  The dam in my community has a damaged spillway and the emergency spillway has been compromised to the point where almost 200,000 people had to be evacuated from throughout the flood plain. The dam has been in need of repair for years, the state government has known of problems for as long 16 years. Yet year after year they chose to give money to people who are here illegally and ignore the very people providing the politicians the money they are squandering. Instead of protecting the people that pay the bills, they took the money to win hearts and minds, sick. If you tolerate stupid this is what happens, the people of California elect these twits. As long as the people will tolerate this, the criminal state government will continue and they will get worse. They will take all we give and demand more.
   The dam repair and fix will amount to the money California has spent on illegal immigrants over the past 20 years. If I had been Donald Trump I would have told Jerry Brown "no ask your constituents for the money, the USA is not going to pay for your states unconstitutional behavior" and I would have been within my rights, if I were Trump. One day Jerry Brown is #notmypresident the next he is asking "not his President" for help. Trump loves the USA so he is not going to let Americans who voted for him down, even those of us in California, thank you Mr. President. So now the entire USA will pay for what the politicians in California have been doing for years, creating a "long term man made human disaster". If you cannot see the irony, how pathetic politicians are, you have bought into the narrative, hence my upside down flag. Help.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Palestinians /Philistines

So for me to have to hear or read anything about the plight of the Palestinians gets annoying. Lets start with basic history. Philistines were a seafaring people who arrived in the middle east as "outlanders", they fought with the Israelites from about 1150 BCE to about 900 BCE when they disappeared from history. There have been Philistine graveyards found that show these were seafaring people, probably from Crete.

  So the people claiming to be Philistines/Palestinians are Arabs. The land of Israel was renamed by the Romans, they named it after the Israelites mortal enemies as an insult and as a way to remove Israel from the history books. They named it Palestine after the Philistines. I am sure there were Arabs living in Israel, but it was not their land. Arabs in the region did not use the term "Palestinian" until after 1948, obviously for political reasons.
  The truth is before WWI Jewish people were returning to their promised land, Israel. The Arabs of the region were more then happy to sell their useless desert land to the Jewish immigrants, they thought they were getting over on the buyers. Those who purchased the land worked it and made Israel a modern, productive and dynamic land. The Arabs then realized if they had made any effort at all they could have had this paradise, too late they sold it. Now they want a do over. This is who the new Palestinians are, Arabs, muslim Arabs.

  In Scripture Joshua was told to clear the land of Israel of all of the peoples residing there, he was told to destroy them. Our Father does not like human blood sacrifice and that is why Joshua was sent into the land of Israel. Destroy the people who "walk their children into the fire". Joshua was given specific orders on what region to clear of these people, sadly he did not finish the job. The new Palestinians strap bombs to their children and then celebrate death, just like the peoples Joshua was told to destroy.
   So if the real Palestinians were actually the Philistines from Crete and the Aegean sea region, what is the motivation for the these Arabs claiming to be "Philistines". I believe that the "Palestinian identity" is just a political attempt to counter "Zionism". They are a weapon being used to disrupt Israels inherent right to its land. Lets be real, the new Palestinians are Arabs so they are not Palestinians at all, they are Arabs. They sold their land to Jewish settlers who worked to make their land into something. Now the Arabs want the land back since all the work has been done. The new Palestinians are a direct reflection of islam, lazy, useless, violent and evil.
  My last word on the subject, for now. When you try to make moral equivalences like the following, building a settlement for people to reside in is the same as a person strapping a bomb to their body and blowing themselves and many innocent people up, you are lost. What is worse there are actually people in this world who agree with this rubbish. Anyone defending the "modern Palestinians" is either not curious about history and the truth or they are part of the modern " we create and believe our lies movement". This type of movement is something that liberal progressive totalitarians are good at.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Not Really a Challenge

I am always up to being engaged in dialogue about most things. Typically when we as people talk we exchange ideas so we can relate to one another. Once we relate we enjoy exchanging information, ideas and of course gossip. I enjoy learning so I am kind of an information junky, even when it is useless, spurious and irrelevant information. So when my curiosity dials in on something I go for it in an overkill type way.
  I was raised by socially liberal German parents, they basically allowed my sister and I to run our own program as we were growing up as long as our school grades were good and our rooms were clean. So as a child and adolescent I was learning all kinds of things on my own. My extended socially liberal German family and parents taught peace and tolerance, it was very important to them, be tolerant of those who are different. I was taught color was just that and nothing else. I was taught that all religions are good and that we were to be very tolerant of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism islam and Christianity as well as Hindus, Buddhists etc.
   At the time as a child I took it as "that is how things are", we tolerate. I must say as a boy I was fascinated with war so I read a lot about it. War had nothing to do with tolerance, I could see that. So something was not correlating with what my family was teaching. As I studied and read I learned that my family was missing half of the point, peace and tolerance takes two parties. Peace only comes when both parties agree to it. Tolerance is a gesture of kindness and acceptance.
   Sometimes you have to fight for what is right. I don't mean like the sorry small minded immoral totalitarian cowards burning down the USAs inner cities because they don't like who got elected as President. I mean fight evil, true evil, to the death because what you are facing is not to be tolerated. If there were a menace that openly threatened your freedom, your right to exist, living and believing as you do, what would you do?  Would you fight for your freedom or would you cower in fear? Would you allow the menace to rape your women? Would you allow the menace to rape and abuse your children? Would allow the menace to indoctrinate your children into the evil? Would you allow the menace to strap bombs to your children and walk them into the fire? Would you allow people to be killed because they don't hold the same opinion, belief or moral code? Would you fight to stop evil??
  I believe in general most people would stand up for their rights and freedom. I believe their would be conscientious objectors, I absolutely respect that. No one really wants to have to fight. Many believe there are alternatives and sometimes there are. Not always. What would have been the outcome of Europe if Charles Martell(832 AD), Jan Sobieski (1682AD)or the United States (1941AD)had not intervened when evil raised its head. I chose those three purposely because islam and nazi Germany are very much alike. Totalitarian, restrictive, intolerant, and of course supremacism run wild.
   Europe would look a lot like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey or Somalia if Charles Martell or Jan Sobieski had decided not to fight for their freedom. Europe would be a corrupt, unproductive wasteland like any number of islamic nations, yes the oil rich states "appear" to be productive but really remove the oil and they fail. If the USA had not intervened in WWII we would all be speaking German and that would not have been a good thing. During WWII the nazis and islam were already co-mingling, can you imagine the outcome of that. And despite all we know, all the history and all of the current events, our elected officials would bring islam into our nation and roll out the red carpet.
   What is worse is that the media actually backs these politicians and their view. Then the worst of all, human nature and the human condition, everyone believes what the media delivers without any due diligence at all. Picking up a history book would be too much, it's not trust it is lazy when you don't fact check obvious nonsense and of course the media wouldn't lie.
    I understand what the liberal progressive totalitarians in this nation are trying to say, they are saying we are a nation of immigrants and we should be open to all oppressed peoples. I fully agree. The reason islamic nations fail is due to the ideology they have elevated to a religion. So they are oppressed by their own beliefs, cultural norms and social order. Funny thing about that is, they are both running from it and have full intentions of forcing it upon all who invite them in. So my dear liberal progressive totalitarians have some psychobabble to unravel and rebuild. No one person or nation can help individuals or groups running from themselves. They need to fix what is broken back where they are from, not unroll and  implement the very travesty they left behind. Many islamic groups in this nation have vowed to do just that, using our freedom and laws to steal our freedom and our rights. Many muslims agree that is what should happen. If you need a good example of politicians working with islamic groups to steal peoples freedom and security look at Europe, soon to be an islamic continent.
   So from here on in I would encourage any liberal progressive to engage me on the subject of islam based on established facts. Please don't confront me with emotional "can't we all just get along" "we are all the same" etc. nonsense. Please don't confront me on how the "Palestinians" are oppressed. Palestinian is actually Philistine and history records that Philistines were not Arabs, hijacking a name does not make you legitimate. The Arabs in Israel are not oppressed by Judaism or Israelis, they are oppressed by islam. Please don't confront me on the Crusades unless you have done your homework. Islam was destroying Persia, the Middle East and North Africa killing Christian and Jewish people for 400 years before the defensive action of the Crusades was approved by any pope. I agree the Crusaders made some very bad and evil choices at times, I do not excuse those actions in any way. Please don't confront me on what islam has contributed to the world, be rest assured that most good that has come from islam was either stolen or coerced out of other conquered peoples, not to say that islam has not made contributions. I ask please to not confront me with emotion, but if you do I am up for it, it is just not really a challenge.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hollywood Strike?

Really? Honestly?! They are "the base for the entire modern American culture"? They speak for humanity?  Ok I would get it if they produced our food or electricity or oil or anything practical or useful. They are entertainers. Not farmers, not manufacturers, not police officers, not doctors. So I would say by preponderance of the evidence they have nothing to make a strike effective. Who cares if some overpaid underworked ivory tower living hypocrite doesn’t “work”? These people are not part of the real world. How does their opinion mean any more than that of a common worker? Do I really need the tripe that they produce to make it through the day? The funniest thing about this is that they are serious, like somehow the world will stop if there were no new movies, tv shows etc. I am sure the advertisers might complain but I could care less about advertisers, they are as bad as actors.
 Advertisers use psychology, imagery and sound to manipulate, in particular children which offends me. 
 Back to the Hollywood strike. Please do, honestly pop culture is one of the biggest corrupters of human beings. Hollywood plays a very big part in pop culture. Everyone wants to belong and we all can relate to music and movies, so pop culture helps us relate to one another in "pop cultures'" way. Hollywood believes they are dictating, they have forgotten that they are actually portraying, copying, imitating, counterfeiting not leading. Let them strike and feel what the weight of a feather does on a scale.

Compromise No, All Free Yes

 "Who gets the free stuff now?" This is a question that was posed me, rhetorically, but I will address it anyway because it brings up valid points to consider. Let me be clear on my "political" stance, politics is a self serving industry and politicians are pigs eating our lunch because they make up the rules. Very simple. Politicians are bad.
  So let me approach the first point like this, the human condition is our visible blind spot. I know there is much good in the human condition, it just doesn't play out well in politics, religion, sports or war. When it comes to politics I have yet to run into anyone that doesn't draw a line in the sand regarding their leaning and philosophy, not a very objective or open minded approach. Even worse they refuse to waiver from that stance at all, no debate, no discussion, no dialogue, no means of reaching a compromise. Compromise to these people is the opposition seeing everything their way.  It is much like the loyalty people show for their favorite sports franchise.

 Politics is not a game where there is a winner after 3 hours and then everyone goes home drunk. Sadly us and them is how we vote. If the system were fair it would begin with voters being non affiliated and objective. Never going to happen, the human condition dictates point one. There are few pragmatic voters. As long as people refuse to vote based on objectivity the system is broken. As long as the people refuse to see, the system will remain broken. Its not the politicians, lobbyists, industrialists, political parties, laws, police, military or nefarious groups. Its We the People.

   Good leaders know the value of listening to all the facts and then proposing the answer. Politicians listen, create talking points(misdirection) which they have no intention of addressing. Politicians prey on apathy and trust. Good leaders motivate their people and build trust. The tone is set by what the people will allow or tolerate. In a democracy we the People are the employer, we decide who gets the job at all levels of governance. Our country is a mess because of decisions we the People have made over and over again, as well as decisions we refuse to make. People decide with their favorite team in mind, they cant get past the idea of maybe having to compromise with other people. Compromise is me seeing it your way period. I guess point two is the same as point one, We the People.

   Money. If this really were a democracy we would all have a real chance at becoming a politician. Oh sure you can start at the community organizer level and somehow find yourself the leader of the free world, but generally that does not happen anymore, it used to. That is how the system is laid out today. Really money should not dictate our choice for a leader. Unless we the people look over candidates objectively and not based on what they spend on their campaign, politics will continue as usual. Point three comes right down to We the People again. I guess I have only made one point so far.

  Who gets the free stuff? Why the politicians do. Whether conservative or liberal they are all on the take, their talking points are just mirror images of each other. This is how politicians divide the people and the money. Its all about power and wealth, its about taking wealth from people who work to line their political pockets. Rock stars don't get their money for nothing, politicians do. Who gets the money and free stuff? The political industrial complex. Who is at fault? It's We The People. I guess thats the point.