Saturday, April 23, 2016

Random Thoughts:Politics and an Out of Control World

     At one point leaders actually were able to lead because the people respected them. They were strong and led with conviction and passion. The people looked up to them, and that is why democracy worked for a while. The truth is democracy only works as long as the people who apply freedom to their society are willing to enforce rules to protect those freedoms. Yes freedom requires rules, freedom requires diligence, freedom requires participation, freedom requires respect for others and the rule of law. Democracy and freedom are not the same thing , but they do go hand in hand, ideally.
To truly have a free society that works you have to have people in it who are willing to abide by certain rules, whether they may agree or not. If the people are willing to abide by some limited statutes, that provide people freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, freedom to do business, then the society will function. Then leaders can keep control over the infrastructure of the nation pertaining to commerce, and national security, leaders should not be society builders. When leaders lead, they garner respect and that leads to cooperation.
     In todays world our leaders are weak and pathetic, look at Europe, look at our current president, weak and politically correct. In todays society we have enough people disrespecting the laws of the land that the free society is breaking down, quickly. There are people and criminals who know that law enforcement is spread so thin that certain crimes no longer get addressed, this conditions the criminals to push the envelope a little harder. At the same time we the people want justice, but even when we arrest criminals with their fingers in the cookie jar we have lawyers who use the justice system in unintended ways, they know right from wrong yet use word games to manipulate the meanings of the laws, whether in word or spirit. So the criminal gets off on a "technicality" in the wording of the accusation. The laws intended to constrain social behavior are being manipulated to allow criminals more latitude with no real punishment.
   Todays politicians will get up on the podium and tell you that they are out for the welfare of the nation. They cant admit that they have no control over even their own welfare. If society was working would politicians and pop icons need large entourages of gun toting security personnel? Politicians see society breaking down, they surround themselves with security. Then their fear goes to wanting to take everyones guns away, knowing full well the criminals will still have guns. They also know if they try to collect the guns from the American people that a large percentage of us will become criminals, immediately.  I don't believe the fear of the citizens having weapons is limited to just one party, politicians are evil magicians. How else could the Democrat party make itself the the party of minorities, up until the 1920s they would not allow black people or any other people of color into their party, now that is a trick!
     At one point society respected law enforcement because law enforcement represented the leadership of the land. People were happy to be good to one another. Honesty, believe it or not, did prevail at times. During the California gold rush men left sacks of gold in their tents unattended and there was no unstoppable crime wave. People respected the laws, because the laws represented their belief in their leaders, their community, their neighbors and themselves. Respecting the law was and is good. Changing laws was and is good, to help them remain contemporary with societies norms. What we have now is a generation of young people who were apparently raised by unhappy malcontents who blamed all of their misery on others, never taking accountability for their own failures, someone owes them, that is what they think, that is what they teach. Now society is in trouble, with all the malcontents and their children breaking the laws and encouraging others to do the same, law enforcement cannot contain this, which shows weakness all the way up to the top leaders of the land. Without the cooperation of the people, the laws are useless and almost unenforceable, making politicians useless, unless they are offering something for nothing.
   Our society in the USA is coming to a point where civil war is quite possible. There are not enough people who desire harmony to stop what is coming, everyone wants what they want the devil be damned. No one is willing to do for the better of the many, we don't have selfless people as role models, we make selfish self centered and self absorbed people heroes. We have an entire generation of people who have an entitlement attitude, which was taught them by their parents, who were taught by their leaders. At some point in time someone or something took control over raising our children, took it right out of the parents hands. Government indoctrination, not unlike Nazi Germany, done in subtle ways, using pop culture to manipulate and orchestrate, using pop culture to lay the ground work. Why else would so many Hollywood idiots threaten to leave the USA if Donald Trump wins the presidency. These Hollywood "stars" would leave because they are no longer part of the agenda or what drives it. Politicians using Hollywood to portray the world they intend to build, Hollywood using politicians to legitimize itself. A lose lose scenario. Politicians and Hollywood actors live in Ivory Towers, they may know how to speak down to us, but they know nothing of what it is like to live in the real world. Telling commoners to save water while they have 22,000 sprinklers in their lawn, telling people to reduce their carbon footprint while flying a 707 up the coast for hamburger, preaching global warming while flying around the world, driving in massive caravans of gas guzzling SUVs, chastising Americans for not taking in refugees when you have 7 mansions and have taken in no one, never having a real job in the real economy then telling we the people who struggle in that economy that his solution to all that ails us is taking more of what we have to work for, those are actors and politicians. They are the elite welfare class, they receive the most money for being the least productive human beings on the planet, then they think to dictate to the ones who hire them, nay grant them the privilege to work for the them. To be clear, them is us. Actors and politicians fleece the people.
   It won't be long until everyone realizes we either take back our society, doing whatever needs to be done, or we will enter a time that will make the dark ages look like the renaissance. We either stop the political correctness and call a criminal a criminal or the criminals will rule society. The truth is it has gone so far now that there will be more than an argument over how to correct this. The criminals actually write the laws currently. The people, at some point in the nations history, looked away for a moment and freedom was hijacked. The very politicians tasked by the people to do the peoples work are the ones complicit in the theft of our freedom. When you take money from hard working citizens to give to whomever you wish, with no thought of the welfare of the nation, you are a thief. Politicians are liars and thieves and they are contributing to the demise of our free society out of sheer greed. They all belong on a garbage barge, tarred and feathered sent down the Potomac to the sea, where an armada of mad citizens wait armed with dirty diapers and catapults.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Inexplicable Observations

   So I grew up kind of a city boy because both of my parents wanted to establish their family roots in a community, as I did later with my own children. Truly most of my family, particularly the older set, were rural farmers and country folk. I have over the past five years returned to my family roots, country life. I enjoy it. I bbq, I enjoy my creek, I enjoy working on my property, keeping it nice looking and safe, I enjoy the peace and quiet, I enjoy natures soundtrack, fresh air, outdoor showers, snoozing on my lawn furniture, shooting my guns, eventually I will have some livestock etc.
    At the end of the day I have, over the past 3 years, been in the habit of sitting outside with my outdoor fireplace ablaze looking at the sky, admiring the stars. I have seen some very odd things. I have seen satellites and know what they look like, since being a child I have been an airplane fan, so I know what aircraft look like, even at night. I have seen meteor showers, comets, meteorites and the space shuttle pass over California on its way to Florida. I am not prone to hallucinations or panic, even when I see some things I have to remind myself that I am not privy to military secrets. However, having said that, there are too many different things that I see that don't lend themselves to our military or anything else that I could explain. I am not a UFO buff, I believe there is something going on out there, unidentifiable?  Don't know , but it sure gives pause for thought........

Some Random Passover Thoughts

   So Passover starts tonight, I wonder how many people who believe in Jesus( Yahshua) will be celebrating tonight. Yahsua is the Messiah of his people and the Savior to those of us grafted onto the branch. Jesus is the innocent lamb slaughtered for our sins. With the death of Yahshua the blood of the lamb was spilled so we could be deemed acceptable to the Father. The Passover is a representation and foreshadowing of our Saviors death, a death that saved us all, or at least all who accept him. Passover is when the Savior was put to death, it says so in Scripture.
  In order to bring us a Savior the Father set up a situation where he had a control group, the chosen people, who could be conditioned to bring the worlds Blessing to us. The Father required certain conditions to bring about our Savior, not for Himself, but for us, so we would believe. The Old Covenant predicted and then produced our Savior. The New Covenant introduced us to our Savior and then predicts.  Scripture when read, really, is an introduction to our Fathers character and make up. The Old and New Covenants go hand in hand, to teach otherwise is to deceive.
   The Chosen people still practice Passover the way it is called out in the Old Covenant, that is where we as the grafted on come into play. We as believers have a specific job from the Father, our assignment from the Father is to show the Chosen people that the New Covenant IS in play, that there is a Savior and Messiah, to make them jealous for their Fathers love. By rejecting Passover for Easter we are not only not winning the Chosen people over, we are actually thumbing our nose at them and our Creator. Mystery religions are evil.
  I am not condemning any particular religion, I personally condemn them all, they mislead and are chalked full of dogma and tradition. Tradition is what we are often warned about in Scripture. Even the Chosen people have gone astray choosing tradition over the Word. Just to emphasize, the root meaning of religion is "to bind", that is not what the Father is about, He is about freedom. The path to the Father is narrow and not well beaten, don't go with the flow. Sadly most people do go with the flow, right over the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.
   The Father calls out seven Feasts/Festivals every year. They are very important to Him, they are times of celebration, reflection, rest, relationship, etc. If we are believers and believe in Scripture, we believe that Scripture is the character and personality of our Father, why would we ignore the very Feasts he calls out? Why would we replace them with obvious pagan worship? And then proclaim arrogantly that replacing the called out Feasts is exactly what we did out of tradition. Then we even teach our children this arrogant disobedience. Joshua( Yahshua) was sent into Canaan with directives from the Father, often to kill everything that breaths and then to burn the remnants. I talk to people who like to point out that violence is directed in Scripture, yes it is. The context to these directives is what most people don't know or understand. The people of Canaan believed in human blood sacrifice, something the Father hates and the adversary demands. We all know that if you leave one seed of evil, it will grow. I wonder how the Father feels about what we are showing and teaching our children today.
   I am not condemning anyone for their beliefs, we are given freedom by the Father for a reason. Some of us will find the path, most will not, by choice. By choosing pagan feasts and festivals over the called out Feasts and Festivals we are openly making a choice, we are exercising our freedom and freedom of choice. Enjoy and exercise your freedom, Happy Passover.